Self-guided Audio Tour through Berlin (es/en)
»To die in Berlin« with Teobaldo Lagos Preller
When: 21. May 2021, 14:00
Where: Online publication / Berlin-Mitte suggested tour
Podcast with tracks in English and Spanish / e-map / geo-tracking

An audio walk through the city district of Mitte recorded by Teobaldo Lagos, with excerpts from the novel “To die in Berlin” (1993) by Chilean author Carlos Cerda, which tells the story of a family inside a community of Chilean refugess in the GDR. The novel deals with the disintegration of relationships as well as the disappointment of encountering with real socialism. The Museum of Democracy engages thus in a dialogue that appeals to the symbols of the place applied to the territory of the unknown.
Teobaldo Lagos Preller (Team museo de la democracia)
Dr. Teobaldo Lagos is a curator and writer. His curatorial practice is based on art practices, knowledge production and contact zones. He has given art theory seminars at universities and art schools in America and Europe. His projects are located on the borders between art, ethnography and urbanism.